Bloom Zen Cart Template
All the default functionality is active and untouched for our Zen Cart themes.
Only one setting parameter is disabled for our Zen Cart responsive themes in the admin area (column width) due to the fact the responsive feature requires a special layout, so we created a new layout that is based on "div" HTML tag, not the "table". Columns width is defined automatically when you change 3 or 2 column layout in the admin area.

More information about our responsive themes can be found there:

You can configure Bloom Template set via "Tools->Layout Boxes Controller" and "Configuration->Layout settings" sections in the admin area. To use the CSS buttons in the template you should enable "CSS Buttons" property in the "Configuration->Layout settings" section.
To appear the Category dropdown menu you should change the "Categories-Tabs Menu ON/OFF" parameter in the "Configuration->Layout settings" section (1-show, 0-hide). Keep in mind that the Category dropdown menu appears instead of the top navigation bar.