Pure Free Zen Cart Template Set
PureFreeSeries_package.zip (PureFreeTemplate_ZCart.zip, 1,900 Kb) [Download]
All the default functionality is active and untouched for our Zen Cart themes.
Only one setting parameter is disabled for our Zen Cart responsive themes in the admin area (column width) due to the fact the responsive feature requires a special layout, so we created a new layout that is based on "div" HTML tag, not the "table". Columns width is defined automatically when you change 3 or 2 column layout in the admin area.

Zen Cart 1.5.x, Zen Cart 1.3.9/1.3.8

PureBlue, PureRed, PureGreen, PureOrange
Banner HTML code and links to the banner images are located in admin area. You need to use FTP to upload new images to the slideshow banner.

Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari browsers compatible
Ability to add other static or GIF animated banners to home page. Managed via admin "Banner Manager" section.

No core files are changed, all default features of the e-commerce software are available for the template.

Instructions and Articles
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Download Now free Zen Cart template without Brand Free option. Downloading the Template you agree to the entire downloading terms.
- User friendly usability
- Home page banner
- Flexibility (no changes in default Zen Cart features and settings)
- No affection to core functionality
- No changes in default database scheme
- File with the instructions - removal of the bottom link, home page banner installation, etc. (only for brand free option purchased)
- Easy to install