
Full Width Banner for CS-Cart 4.x.x

How it looks on default CS-Cart theme
  • How it looks on default CS-Cart theme
  • How it looks on Webapp theme


Price: $29.00



CS-Cart 4.3.x - 4.x (including Multivendor)


After purchasing of this product you will get a CSS code with the example of background images, that makes the default CS-Cart slideshow banner on full width of the page. Examples of the demo text banners is included either.

All the default CS-Cart admin settings are untouched for this slideshow banner, so you can have the arrows, dots or pages on this banner. The CSS code we provide for this banner modification has comments inside and you will be able to find the place of changing the backgrounds and arrows color easily. Use the "Marketing -> Banners" section of CS-Cart admin area to create the new banners with the included banner examples.

Installation Instructions

  1. Log in to your CS-Cart admin area.
  2. Go to the "Design -> Themes" section.
  3. Click to the Visual Editor button on the page.
  4. On Visual Editor click to the "CUSTOMIZE" selectbox and choose the "Custom CSS" value.
  5. Copy and place the CSS code you downloaded from this product to the appeared window to the end of CSS code in it and click to the "Save" button.
  6. Clear the cache of your store (Administration -> Storage -> Clear cache)
  7. Refresh your storefront browser window. The banner will be there.

Please note, your slideshow banner should have the "homepage-banners" CSS class name value in the "User-defined CSS-class" field of your slideshow banner settings in your admin area. The slideshow banner on home page already has this parameter by default on fresh CS-Cart installation.

